Shortest & most obvious post yet.

Civil rights attorney, Wendy Lecker, has a unique idea in education...

"Want to know how a student is doing? Ask a teacher."

(All emphasis below is mine.)

"Parents have relied on teachers’ assessments to gauge their children’s progress and most have pretty much ignored their children’s standardized test scores. For decades, this approach has served parents and students well. Recent research shows that non-standardized, human assessments of student learning are superior to standardized tests of all kinds.

Lecker has, "...written about the voluminous evidence showing that a high school GPA is the best predictor of college success, and that the SAT and ACT, by contrast, are poor predictors." 

She continues, "If politicians really want to understand how to prepare our children for college, maybe they should try a new — for them- approach and consult experts with a great track record of knowing what makes kids college-ready. Maybe they should ask some teachers.

Thank you, Wendy Lecker!


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